The European Roma Cultural Foundation (ercf) is an independent non-profit foundation registered on the 2nd of August, 2010 in Budapest, Hungary. The new body operates under an independent budget provided by the founder and the founding director of ERCF. The European Roma Cultural Foundation, the operational and fundraising body, exists to strengthen and widely promote the role of Roma arts and culture in the enlarging Europe (and beyond) as a way to fight against negative stereotypes and hostile attitudes towards Roma communities.
Ágnes Daróczi(HU)
Intellectual and activist
Ceija Stojka(AT)
Writer, Painter and Musician, Survivor of the Holocaust
Hans Caldaras(SE)
Artist and activist
Nicolae Gheorghe(RO)
Intellectual, activist
Romani Rose(DE)
Rosa Taikon(SE)
Silversmith and activist
Sandra Jayat (FR)
artist, Honorary member